Nien-Jung's Nutrition Blog

June 28, 2010

Pre-Diabetes & Exercise

Filed under: Diabetes Q&A — nojowo212 @ 11:42 am

Here is a question I received from

I have been diagnosed as pre-diabetic.  The doctor has not put me on any medication, but would like me to lose weight and watch my diet.  I’m not sure how much or how often I should be exercising.  Could you give me some tips?


To watch your diet and to exercise both work together for weight-control.  When the calories consumed are less than the calories burned out, it will lead you to lose weight.  Therefore, it is smart and healthy to incorporate exercise into your plan in addition to watching your diet.

Thirty minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity for 5 days per week is the general guideline.  (more…)

June 18, 2010

Jawbreaker Candy and Diabetes?

Filed under: Diabetes Q&A — nojowo212 @ 1:46 pm

Here is a question I received from

I have type 2 diabetes.  I’m kind of addicted to jawbreaker candy (especially fireballs).  How harmful is it to eat these candies and what alternatives should I try… Is fruit a good alternative?


A piece of jawbreaker candies is about 10 grams of carbohydrates and no other nutrients.  Fruits are definitely a good alternative.  Fruits contain about the same amount of carbohydrates in one serving.  They also give you the taste of sweetness, but they are rich in vitamin C, fiber, phytochemicals, and other nutrients.

To cut down the amount of jawbreaker candy you eat and to avoid craving could be your first step. For instance, (more…)

June 6, 2010

Orange Juice & Diabetes?

Filed under: Diabetes Q&A — nojowo212 @ 11:18 am

Here is a question I received from

I am worried because I was just diagnosed with diabetes.  I drink freshly squeezed orange juice three times a week.  Does orange juice contain too much sugar and is it advisable for a diabetic to drink juice?


The sugar content in one cup of 100% orange juice equals about that in two whole oranges.  Also, the fiber you consume from juices is definitely lower than from the fresh ones.  Thus, fresh oranges (or any other fruits) would be more advisable than their juices.   (more…)

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